EIR Information

NOP Scoping Document for the North Aliso Project EIR

r2013-00614_nop - SCOPING DOC - Reduced Size.pdf

The County of Los Angeles will be the lead agency and will prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the project described herein. In compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15082, the County of Los Angeles is sending this Notice of Preparation (NOP) to responsible agencies, trustee agencies responsible for natural resources affected by the Project, federal agencies that may be involved in permitting or approving the Project, and interested persons. Within 30 days after receiving this NOP, each agency is requested to provide the County of Los Angeles with specific details about the scope and content of the environmental information to be contained in the EIR related to that agency’s area of statutory responsibility. The NOP is also being sent to interested persons to solicit input from the public as to the scope of the EIR. 

CEQA Guidelines Section 15082 requires that the NOP provide a description of the Project, including the location, and a summary of the potential environmental effects. For some of the key issues, this NOP has been expanded to include brief summaries of how the potential environmental effects will be evaluated in the EIR.

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